Aborjet Injection has many curative and preventive treatments , if there is a tree that has been of value due to age or placement . YLpestcontrol has solution to maintain the trees health . Treatment is more cost effective than removal .
Aborjet can be used on any Trees that has aleast a 2 inch DBH ( size of trunk of tree) and has no effect on the tree . Just think of a Maple tree and how it provides syrup for consumption . This method requires a hole to be drill in the trunk of the tree year after year . Most trees live 60 years or more and the holes are not plugged with the special Aborjet plug , to block unwanted pests.
Pine Tree . treated for pine bore damage
This lime tree is under stress and is losing leaves daily . Youngs Lawn & Pest control used Arborjet to inject fungicides and micro nutrients.
Arborjet set up and Starting treatment.
Lime tree results 90 days after treatment by Young's Lawn & Pest Control . This treatment will work on many other trees under going stress or pest preasure.
If you would like to read more about Arborjet and the benefits and how it works in more detail , please click on link.